Afbakening arbeidsmarktgerichtheid niet-OCW erkende scholing voor STAP regeling

− 1 min read

Report by Annemarie Künn-Nelen & Raymond Montizaan

As of 1st of March 2022, employees, self-employed and job-seekers in the Netherlands can apply for a STAP subsidy of up to €1000 for training and development. With the STAP subsidy the Dutch government wants to help people to increase their employability. Given this objective it is important that only training aimed at strengthening their labour market position can be financed via the STAP subsidy. Therefore ROA was asked by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, to develop a framework to test the labour market orientation of training programmes that are not recognised by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (niet-OWC erkende scholing in Dutch). In this report we describe this framework.

>> Download report (in Dutch)