Labour Shortages and Skill Mismatches – What can be done?

− 1 min read

Kick-off event organised as part of the Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities

As part of our Horizon Europe Skills2Capabilities project, we invite to a keynote by Ken Mayhew (Oxford) and international expert discussion to examine new policies to address increasing labour shortage and skill mismatches.

Global energy transitions, AI-based technologies encroaching on all life-spheres and ageing workforces are just some of the developments challenging societies and industries in high-income countries around the world. Skill shortages in all sectors and at all levels in Austria and throughout Europe are increasing, but so is the fear of job losses due to automation and new forms of work.

How can political systems and in particular the education and training sector contribute to tackle skill shortages and other mismatches? Will skill mismatches in Europe continue to increase? These, and other related questions will be discussed by leading economists, sociologists and educationalists from the UK, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, and other countries together with Austrian representatives engaged in research and management of skill policies.

The event is organised as part of the Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities.

Date: Thursday 30 March 2023, 10-13 am
Location: House of Industry, Schwarzenbergplatz 4, Vienna

Please register here.