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Multimodal response-predictor analysis for three non-invasive brain stimulation protocols
Therrien-Blanchet, J.-M., Ferland, M. C., Badri, M., Rousseau, M.-A., Merabtine, A., Boucher, E., Hofmann, L. H., Boré, A., Descoteaux, M., Lepage, J.-F., & Théoret, H. (2025). Multimodal response-predictor analysis for three non-invasive brain stimulation protocols. , , Article 149372.
More information about this publicationVerkenning datasets voor een LLO-Radar
Künn, A., Fouarge, D., ter Weel, B., & Bussink, H. (2025). ROA. ROA Technical Reports No. 001
More information about this publicationRelationships among adult full, half, and stepsiblings
de Leeuw, S., Hornstra, M., & Kalmijn, M. (2025). Relationships among adult full, half, and stepsiblings: Does coresidence explain the stepgap? , (1), 201-218.
More information about this publication"Let's stick together"
Hoedemakers, J., Vanderstukken, A., Stoffers, J., & van der Heijden, B. (2025). "Let's stick together": toward a serial mediation model about the impact of relational leadership on workers' employability. , (1), 106-122.
More information about this publicationThe Practice-Oriented Approach of the German Education System
Somers, M. (2025). ROA. ROA Reports No. 002
More information about this publicationThe Practice-Oriented Approach of the German Education System
Somers, M. (2025). ROA. ROA Fact Sheets No. 001
More information about this publicationArbeidsmarktuitkomsten van hbo’ers naar migratieachtergrond
Belfi, B., Havermans, W., Hendrikse, A., & Somers, M. (2025). ROA. ROA Reports No. 001
More information about this publicationLikes, Shares, and Symptoms: The Hidden Toll of Early Adolescents’ Social Media Use on Well-Being
Vonk, L., Putrik, P., van Amelsvoort, T., Vanluydt, E., Delespaul, P., Levels, M., & Huijts, T. (2025). Likes, Shares, and Symptoms: The Hidden Toll of Early Adolescents’ Social Media Use on Well-Being. , (1), Article 131.
More information about this publicationThe importance of socio-emotional skills for multiple life outcomes and the role of education
Belfi, B., & Borghans, L. (2025). The importance of socio-emotional skills for multiple life outcomes and the role of education. In M. H. J. Wolbers , & D. Verhaest (Eds.), (pp. 75-104). Edward Elgar Publishing.
More information about this publicationAanvullende statistieken bij figuren factsheets 1 t/m 4 masterplan basisvaardigheden 2023
van Vugt, L., Haelermans, C., Abbink, H., Baumann, S., & Hendrikse, A. (2025). Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek. ROA External Reports NCO Factsheet
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