Current and former PhDs at ROA

  • Current PhDs

    Saena Chakkar
    Supervisors: Frank Cörvers, Wendy Smits & Dr. Adrian Lerche (IAB, Germany)
    Thesis topic: The labour market effects of qualification recognition

    Elke Claes
    Supervisors: Inge de Wolf, Bart Golsteyn & Suzanne de Leeuw
    Thesis topic: Basic skills

    José Victor Cremonesi Giarola
    Supervisors: Frank Cörves & Hans Schmeets (Political Science, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences)
    Thesis topic: Cross-border mobility

    Hala El Demellawy
    Supervisors: Didier Fouarge & Mien Segers
    Thesis topic: Measuring and Supporting Self-Regulated Learning in Online Workplace Learning Environments

    Mirte Dikmans
    Supervisors: Tijana Prokic-Breuer, Trudie Schils, Ilja Cornelisz (VU)
    Thesis topic: Effective practices and equity in language education

    Lara Fleck
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip, Marie-Christine Fregin & Mark Levels
    Thesis topic: Firm-Level Implementation of Artificial Intelligence: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective on Skills (Provisional)

    Daniele Gasparini
    Supervisors: Nico Pestel & Peter Mulder (TNO)
    Thesis topic: Energy transition and labor market frictions in the Netherlands: The Role of Regional Skill Mismatches

    Stijn Horck
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip & Paul Louis Iske (OSE)
    Thesis topic: Measuring, validating and improving the learning capacity of health care organizations through the impact of failures and complex problems

    Babs Jacobs
    Supervisors: Rolf van der Velden & Tim Huijts
    Thesis topic: Key information-processing Skills: The Transmission and Role of these Skills

    Madelon Jacobs
    Supervisors: Carla Haelermans & Sanne van Wetten
    Thesis topic: Skill development in primary and secondary education

    Joanna Kuczynska
    Supervisors: Annemarie Künn-Nelen & Bram Fleuren
    Thesis topic: Lifelong Learning Participation

    Roy Meijer
    Supervisors: Didier Fouarge, Alain Hecq & Jessie Bakens
    Thesis topic: Labour market forecasts: Confidence analysis and data improvements

    Mélanie Monfrance
    Supervisors: Carla Haelermans & Trudie Schils
    Topic of the PhD thesis: Inequality of opportunities in education and the role of non-cognitive skills development

    Kars van Oosterhout
    Supervisors: Frank Cörvers & Jessie Bakens
    Thesis topic: Regional mobility of students

    Martyna Ozaist
    Supervisors: Tim Huijts & Mark Levels
    Thesis topic: Positive Health at Work

    Pelin Özgül
    Supervisors: Mark Levels & Didier Fouarge
    Thesis topic: AI and the Future of Work (provisional title)

    Mantej Singh Pardesi
    Supervisors: Frank Corvers & Harald Pfeifer
    Thesis topic: Role of institutions for skill generation and absorption in addressing productivity and technology gaps between frontier and non-frontier firms

    Janneke Pepels
    Supervisors: Carla Haelermans & Barbara Belfi
    Thesis topic: Long-term effects of grade retention

    Sandra Pérez Rodríguez
    Supervisors: Didier Fouarge & Annemarie Künn-Nelen
    Thesis topic: The role of information and preferences in educational and occupational choices (provisional title)

    Davey Poulissen
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip & Annemarie Künn-Nelen
    Thesis topic: The position of vulnerable groups on the labour market

    Sanne Ronda
    Supervisors: Carla Haelermans & Barbara Belfi
    Thesis topic: The digital media use of young adolescents’ and its influence on identity development and equality of opportunity

    Tom Rongen
    Supervisors: Frank Cörvers, Inge de Wolf & Tom Stolp
    Thesis topic: Teacher shortages and terms of employment: effects on the quality of education and students’ equality of opportunities.

    Nicholas Rounding
    Supervisors: Mark Levels & Didier Fouarge
    Thesis topic: AI and the future of work (Provisional)

    Felix Seifert
    Supervisors: Nico Pestel & Tijana Prokic-Breuer
    Thesis topic: The role of the educational system for developing the skills for the labour market of the future (provisional title)

    Alina Shirshikova
    Supervisors: Frank Cörvers, Raymond Montizaan & Harald Pfeifer (BIBB, Germany)
    Thesis topic: Cross-Border Labor Mobility: Migration Costs and Value of Cross-border Experience.

    Mathilde Theelen
    Supervisors: Trudie Schils, Tijana Breuer & Ilja Cornelisz (VU)
    Thesis topic: Evidence-based interventions for language learning

    Sabine van der Veer
    Supervisors: Mark Levels, Tim Huijts & Liesbeth van Welie (Sardes)
    Thesis topic: Health, Lifestyle and Educational Success

    Jinyi Wei
    Supervisors: Nico Pestel & Dominik Becker (BIBB, Germany)
    Thesis topic: Impact of the innovativeness of VET-programs on the resilience and sustainable employment of apprentices

    Zeyu Wang
    Supervisors: Carla Haelermans, Sanne van Wetten & Eliane Segers
    Thesis topic: AI in Education

    Anna-Lena Wittich
    Supervisors: Raymond Montizaan & Annemarie Künn-Nelen
    Thesis topic: Lifelong Learning & Employability

    Tianyu Yang
    Supervisors: Carla Haelermans & Barbara Belfi
    Thesis topic:​ Optimal Choice for Higher Education Institutions: An Empirical Study on Costs and Returns of Higher Education of Different Qualities in China

    Ziyue Zhu
    Supervisors: Didier Fouarge, Barbara Belfi & Melline Somers
    Thesis topic: Skill mismatch between education and labour market

  • Former PhD graduates

    Per Bles
    Supervisors: Rolf van der Velden & Katarina Wessling
    Thesis: Flexibility in the Dutch Education System: How institutional characteristics modify students’ educational careers
    Current position: postdoctoraal researcher at EducationLab Netherlands, at the Amsterdam Centre for Learning Analytics (ACLA), VU Amsterdam
    Graduation year: 2024

    Pascal Hess
    Supervisors: Didier Fouarge & Silke Anger (IAB, Germany)
    Thesis: How does salient information on economic prospects shape human capital investments?
    Current position: Researcher at the Institute for Employment Research at Germany
    Graduation year: 2024

    Lies van de Kuilen
    Supervisors: Prof. dr. Inge de Wolf & Prof. dr. Paul Leseman
    Thesis: Governance of complex early childhood education and care systems
    Graduation year: 2024

    Maria Polipciuc
    Supervisors PhD: Frank Cörvers & Raymond Montizaan
    Thesis: An exploration of trust, betrayal, & social identity
    Current position: Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute for Markets and Strategy at WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
    Graduation year: 2023

    Lynn van Vugt
    Supervisors PhD: Mark Levels & Rolf van der Velden
    Thesis: Different NEETs, different needs?
    Current position: Project leader at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market
    Graduation year: 2023

    Alexander Dicks
    Supervisors PhD: Mark Levels & Rolf van der Velden
    Thesis: NEET in the Netherlands
    Current position: Postdoctoral researcher in the research group National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), WZB Berlin Social Science Center
    Graduation year: 2023

    Bart de Koning
    Supervisors PhD: Didier Fouarge & Robert Dur
    Thesis: Empirical studies on information, beliefs, and choices in education and work
    Current position: Postdoctoral research associate at Cornell University
    Graduation year: 2022

    François Molin
    Supervisors PhD: Carla Haelermans & Wim Groot
    Thesis: Using digital formative assessments to improve learning in physics education
    Current position: Assistant professor Educational Sciences at Open University
    Graduation year: 2022

    Kim van Broekhoven
    Supervisors PhD: Rolf van der Velden, Lex Borghans & Barbara Belfi
    Thesis: From creativity to innovation: Understanding and improving the evaluation and selection of ideas in educational settings
    Current position: Assistant professor, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Educational Sciences
    Graduation year: 2021

    Alexandra de Gendre
    Supervisors PhD: Olivier Marie & Rolf van der Velden
    Thesis: Behavioral Barriers to Success in Education
    Current position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Melbourne
    Graduation year: 2021

    Inge Hooijen
    Supervisors PhD: Frank Cörvers & Christoph Meng
    Thesis: Demographic shrinkage and higher education graduates
    Current position: Business Owner at Regional Capital
    Graduation year: 2021

    Merve Özer
    Supervisors PhD: Andries de Grip & Didier Fouarge
    Thesis: Essays on drivers and long-term impact of migration 
    Graduation year: 2020

    Cécile Magnée
    Supervisors PhD: Inge de Wolf & Bart Golsteyn
    Thesis: Playing the hand you’re dealt: The effects of family structure on children’s personality and the effects of educational policy on educational outcomes of migrant children
    Current position: Coordinator of Research & Analysis Department, Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
    Graduation year: 2020

    Sanne van Wetten
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip & Ruud Gerards
    Thesis: Human capital and employee entrepreneurship: The role of skills, personality characteristics and the work context
    Current position: senior researcher at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA)
    Graduation year: 2020

    Maria Ferreira Sequeda
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip & Annemarie Künn-Nelen
    Thesis: Human Capital Development at School and Work
    Current position: Senior Economist - Research Professional ING Bank
    Graduation year: 2019

    Frauke Meyer
    Supervisors: Thomas Dohmen & Martin Strobel
    Thesis: Individual motives for (re-)distribution
    Current position: Institute for Philosophy at the University of Oldenburg
    Graduation year: 2019

    Marie-Christine Fregin
    Supervisors: Rolf van der Velden & Mark Levels
    Thesis: Skill matching and outcomes
    Current position: Research Leader at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA).
    Graduation year: 2019

    Tom Stolp
    Supervisors: Thomas Dohmen & Bart Golsteyn
    Thesis: Sorting in the Labor Market, The Role of Risk Preference and Stress
    Current position: Postdoctoral researcher at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA)
    Graduation year: 2018

    Marion Collewet
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip & Jaap de Koning
    Thesis: Working hours: preferences, well-being and productivity
    Current position: Assistant Professor at the department of Economics, Leiden University
    Graduation year: 2017

    Anika Jansen
    Supervisor: Andries de Grip & Ben Kriechel
    Thesis: Firms’ incentives to provide apprenticeships: studies on expected short- and long term benefits
    Current position: Economist at German Economic Institute, Cologne
    Graduation year: 2016

    Jos Sanders
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip & R. Blonk
    Thesis: Sustaining the employability of the low skilled worker: development, mobility and work redesign
    Current position: Lecturer at Arnhem and Nijmegen University of Applied Sciences
    Graduation year: 2016

    Ahmed Elsayed Mohamed
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip & Didier Fouarge
    Thesis: Essays on Working Hours
    Current position: Associate Professor at the American University in Cairo (AUC) and the Executive Director of J-PAL MENA at AUC
    Graduation year: 2015

    Nicolas Salamanca
    Supervisor: Andries de Grip
    Thesis: Economic Preferences and Financial Risk-Taking
    Current position: Senior Research Fellow at the Melbourne Institute: Applied Economics & Social Research
    Graduation year: 2015

    Gabriele Marconi
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip & Jozef Ritzen
    Thesis: Higher education in the national and global economy
    Current position: Data scientist at Agency for Employment Development, Luxembourg
    Graduation year: 2015

    Maria Zumbuehl
    Supervisors: Thomas Dohmen & Gerard Pfann
    Thesis: Economic Preferences and Attitudes
    Current position: scientific employee at CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
    Graduation year: 2015

    Roxanne Korthals
    Supervisors: Jaap Dronkers & Lex Borghans
    Thesis: Tracking students in secondary education: consequences for student performance and inequality
    Current position: Senior analyst at the Dutch Inspectorate for Education (IvhO)
    Graduation year: 2015

    Jan Feld
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip & Thomas Dohmen
    Thesis: Making the Invisible Visible. Essays on Overconfidence, Discrimination and Peer Effects
    Current position: Senior Lecturer in economics at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
    Graduation year: 2014

    Olga Skriabikova
    Supervisor: Thomas Dohmen & Ben Kriechel
    Thesis: Preferences, Institutions, and Economic Outcomes: An Empirical Investigation
    Graduation year: 2014

    Martin Humburg
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip and Rolf van der Velden
    Thesis: Skills and the Employability of University Graduates
    Current position: Sector Economist at European Investment Bank (EIB)
    Graduation year: 2014

    Harald Ulrich Pfeifer
    Supervisors: Hans Heijke and Frank Cörvers
    Thesis: Empirical investigations of costs and benefits of vocational education and training
    Current position: Head of the research section “Ökonomie der Berufsbildung” at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB)
    Graduation year: 2013

    Jan Sauermann
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip and Inge Sieben
    Thesis: Human Capital, Incentives, and Performance Outcomes
    Current position: Associate professor at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) at Stockholm University
    Graduation year: 2013

    Charlotte Büchner
    Supervisor: Rolf van der Velden and Maarten Wolbers
    Thesis: Social Background, Educational Attainment and Labor Market Integration: An Exploration of Underlying Processes and Dynamics
    Current position: Professor of Methods of empirical social research and social structure analysis at Jena University
    Graduation year: 2013

    Annemarie Künn-Nelen
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip and Didier Fouarge
    Thesis: Part-Time Employment and Human Capital Development
    Current position: Associate professor at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour market (ROA)
    Graduation year: 2012

    Raymond Montizaan
    Supervisors: Andries de Grip and Frank Cörvers
    Thesis: Pension Rights, human capital development and well-being
    Current position: Senior Researcher at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA)
    Graduation year: 2010

    Andreas Ammermüller
    Supervisor: Hans Heijke
    Thesis: Institutional Effects in the Production of Education
    Current position: Working at Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Berlin, Germany
    Graduation year: 2007

    Bart Golsteyn
    Supervisors: Lex Borghans and Hans Heijke
    Thesis: The ability to invest in human capital
    Current position: Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at Maastricht University
    Graduation year: 2007

    Christoph Meng
    Supervisors: Hans Heijke and Johan Muysken
    Thesis: Discipline-Specific or Academic? Acquisition, Role and Value of Higher Education Competencies
    Current position: Head of the Research Support Office at Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics
    Graduation year: 2005

    Judith Semeijn
    Supervisors: Hans Heijke, Cornelis van der Vleuten and Rolf van der Velden
    Thesis: Academic competences and labour market entry : studies among Dutch graduates
    Current position: Associate Professor of Career Management at Open University (OU)
    Graduation year: 2005

    Wendy Smits
    Supervisors: Hans Heijke and Lex Borghans
    Thesis: The Quality of apprenticeship training: conflicting interests of firms and apprentices
    Current position: Senior statistical researcher at Statistics Netherlands and part-time professor Labour Market Flexibility at Maastricht University
    Graduation year: 2005

    Jasper van Loo
    Supervisors: J. Thijssen & Andries de Grip
    Thesis: Training, Labour Market Outcomes, and Self-Management
    Current position: Expert - department coordinator at Cedefop
    Graduation year: 2005

    Arnaud Dupuy
    Supervisors: Hans Heijke, Andries de Grip & Lex Borghans
    Thesis: Assignment and Substitution in the Labour Market
    Current position: Professor of Economics at the University of Luxembourg
    Graduation year: 2004

    Ben Kriechel
    Supervisor: Gerard Pfann
    Thesis: Heterogeneity among displaced workers
    Current position: Managing partner at Economix Research, Germany
    Graduation year: 2003

    Frank Cörvers
    Supervisors: Hans Heijke & Andries de Grip
    Thesis: The impact of human capital on international competitiveness and trade performance of manufacturing sectors
    Current position: Leader of the Human Capital in the Region research programme at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA), and part-time professor Demographic Transition, Human Capital and Employment at Maastricht University
    Graduation year: 1999

    Lex Borghans
    Supervisors: Hans Heijke & Franz Palm
    Thesis: Educational choice and labour market information
    Current position: Full Professor of Labour Markets at Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics
    Graduation year: 1993