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  • t.huijts

    Tim Huijts appointed Professor of Positive Health at Work

    Maastricht University has appointed prof. dr. Tim Huijts as Full Professor of Positive Health at Work as of September 1st 2022. His Chair, which is partly funded by CAOP, will focus on Positive Health in the context of work and learning

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    Carla Haelermans

    Prof. dr. Carla Haelermans appointed as professor of Human Capital, Educational Technology and Inequality

    The Inaugural lecture was held on Friday 30 September 2022 at 16.30 in the Maastricht University Auditorium, Minderbroedersberg 4-6 in Maastricht

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    cover dissertation de Koning

    Bart de Koning successfully defends thesis

    On Monday 26 September, Bart de Koning successfully defended his PhD thesis on: “Empirical Studies on Information, Beliefs, and Choices in Education and Work”

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    roa news

    Labour market impact of climate policy

    New publication in Dutch about the effects of the energy transition and climate policy on labour market frictions

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    Horizon Europe Skills2Capabilities project has been granted

    ROA and MSCM are consortium partners in this Horizon Europe project

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