Where do Dutch primary school pupils stand 3 years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic?

− 1 min read

Sixth series of NCO factsheets

In these two new NCO factsheets, we provide the overall picture 3 years since the start of COVID-19 pandemic for Dutch primary school pupils, who were in grades 1, 2 and 3 when the pandemic started, and look at inequality in (delay in) learning growth, based on the educational level of the parents.


Factsheets (in Dutch)

Haelermans, C., Van Vugt, L., Van Wetten, S., Baumann, S., Havermans, W., Hendrikse, A., Meijer, R. & Smeets, C. (2023). Balans na drie jaar COVID-19: grootste vertraging leergroei voor rekenen-wiskunde, spelling en begrijpend lezen schommelen. NCO Factsheet No. 2023-1.

Haelermans, C., Van Vugt, L., Van Wetten, S., Baumann, S., Havermans, W., Hendrikse, A., Meijer, R. & Smeets, C. (2023). Na drie jaar COVID-19 blijft ongelijkheid in leervertraging afnemen. NCO Factsheet No. 2023-2.


>> More about the NCO factsheets: https://www.nationaalcohortonderzoek.nl/factsheets-leergroei