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  • Decrease in learning growth primary education smaller, but not undone yet

    Analyses based on NCO data show that primary school pupils still have lower learning growth than usual after one and a half years of COVID-19 crisis.

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    How effective are hiring subsidies to reduce long-term unemployment among prime-aged jobseekers? Evidence from Belgium

    Research Memorandum by Sam Desiere (Ghent University), Bart Cockx (Ghent University)

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    Literature review labour migration

    An exploratory study into the shortages of qualified personnel at the upper secondary vocational level and the possibilities and limitatations of employing migrants

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    Labour market prospects by educations and occupations up to 2026

    New report in Dutch on labour market forecasts until 2026 shows good prospects for graduates in science and engineering, healthcare and education

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    “Rendement van bachelor en master diploma’s”

    New ROA report in Dutch about the labour market return of bachelor and master degrees from hbo and wo

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