Skills2Capabilities consortium meeting on Feb. 6 & 7
− 1 min readPresentations by Didier Fouarge, Babs Jacobs, and Ziyue Zhu
On 6th and 7th of February, Didier Fouarge, Babs Jacobs, and Ziyue Zhu attended and presented their ongoing research at the Skills2Capabilities consortium meeting in Dortmund, Germany.
At this consortium meeting, Didier shed insight on AI and productivity, documenting that AI assisted coaching systems would increase the productivity of call centre employees. Babs presented her research on life-long learning using PIAAC data, illustrating the uptake of life-long learning in OECD countries. Ziyue presented her research on return to updated VET skills using skill supply extracted from MBO curricula. Together with our consortium partners, they engaged in discussions with the other Skills2Capabilities projects on the topics of skills formation, effectiveness of skills policies, the responsiveness and proactiveness of VET systems, challenges and changes in skill demand, drivers and effects of skills mismatch.
The Horizon Europe project “Skills2Capabilities” is about understanding how skill contents and levels need to evolve to assist people in making labour market transitions between education and jobs, positions, firms or sectors, and thereby reduce the level of skill mismatch which might otherwise arise. The research will provide decision-makers in government and education with a better understanding of the capabilities that skills systems will need to supply in the future.