Partners & networks

ROA collaborates with several institutes and undertakes joint research activities in the field of Education and the Labour Market. By cooperation nationally and internationally and exchanging ideas, ROA aims to bolster research efforts and to improve the coherence and quality of research.

IAB - Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung

The Institute for Employment Research (IAB) was set up as a research unit of the former German Federal Employment Service conducting research on the labour market in order to advise political actors at all levels. > read more


The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) is recognized as a center of excellence for vocational research and for the progressive development of vocational education and training (VET) in Germany. BIBB works to identify future challenges in VET, stimulate innovation in national and international vocational systems, and develop new, practiceoriented solutions for both initial and continuing vocational education and training. > read more

CBS - Statistics Netherlands

As the national statistical office, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) provides reliable statistical information and data to produce insight into social issues, thus supporting the public debate, policy development and decision-making while contributing to prosperity, well-being and democracy. > read more

EALE – The European Association of Labour Economists

EALE aims to promote the advancement of knowledge in the field of labour economics in Europe and elsewhere. Its activities include the organisation of international conferences and workshop, the promotion of the study and application of labour economics, the formation of international groups concerned with research and teaching, and support to publications in the field of labour economics. The EALE secretariat is located at ROA. > read more


4Limburg is a multidisciplinary programme that aims to foster and optimize participation and make the labour market in the Province of Limburg sustainable, vital and inclusive. In 4Limburg, Maastricht University collaborates with other Quattro-helix partners: knowledge institutions, municipalities and the regional government, business and health organisations and the citizens of Limburg. 4Limburg particularly focuses on a proactive youth employment policy,  sustainable employment and inclusive organizations. > read more

GSBE Learning and Work

GSBE Learning and Work focuses on research that can help us understand what technological and demographic changes mean for education and employment. Research focusses on four issues: 1) school, study and career choices; 2) skills and tasks; 3) lifelong learning, employability and performance; and 4) incentives, control and performance. This research is multidisciplinary, drawing on dialogue and co-creation with business, schools, policymakers and regional and national governments, and deploying new research methodologies and strategies for data collection and analysis. > read more 

IZA – Institute for the Study of Labour

IZA is a bridge builder for research in labor economics. We narrow the distance between science and society, and transport relevant knowledge about the working world to the general public, political actors and economic players. IZA is the hub of a global network of scholars who work with us to create a sound economic understanding of how labor markets work and how labor market policies perform. We contribute to the future of labor research by supporting young scholars on their paths to becoming tomorrow’s leading academics. > read more 

ITEM - The Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility

The Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility (ITEM) operates at the convergence of research, counselling, knowledge exchange, and training activities in the domain of cross-border mobility and cooperation. ITEM is an interdisciplinary institute which was initiated by Maastricht University (UM) in cooperation with Zuyd Hogeschool, NEIMED, the (Dutch) province of Limburg, the city of Maastricht and the Meuse-Rhine Euregion. Within Maastricht University in particular the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the School of Business and Economics (represented by ROA) are involved in the activities of ITEM. > read more

MACIMIDE - Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development 

Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE) is the interdisciplinary research platform of Maastricht University that brings together scholars working in the fields of migration, mobility, citizenship, development and family life. ROA is represented in its Executive Board and in the activities of the research themes of MACIMIDE. In order to contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics and consequences of transnational migration and mobility in a European and global context MACIMIDE combines various research lines across different Faculties of Maastricht University. > read more

Netspar - Network for Studies on Pensions, Ageing and Retirement

Netspar is a foundation. Its mission, strategy, action plan, and budget are all determined by partners from the pension industry and academic institutions. Netspar contributes to the continuous improvement of the possibilities for financing the old age in the Netherlands by engaging in network development, formulating and executing scientific research programs, including sharing knowledge with other countries, and creating a related program for disseminating and transferring knowledge within the Netherlands. > read more