Statistics and data

ROA offers free, online access to two project-related webapplications. In these applications, you can compile, adjust and download your own selection of tables.


Project:The Education and Labour Market Project
Application:  AIS tot 2028
Content:Labour market information and forecasts, available at both the national and regional level and for more than 100 educational programmes and occupations.
Access:Available for everyone


Project:School Leaver Surveys
Application:  Kerncijfers schoolverlatersonderzoeken
Content:School leaver information on the transition from school to work, covering a large part of the Dutch educational system.
Access:Available for everyone


ROA also aims to make the data from a selection of projects publicly available via DANS-EASY. A list of all the projects for which the data are publicly available is given below.

Project:ROA Life Long Learning                
DANS-EASY: ROA Life Long Learning Survey
Project:Wet VUT Prepensioen en Levensloop
Project:HEGESCO - Higher education as a generator of strategic competences
Project:REFLEX - Research into employment and professional Flexibility