The Big Unknown: A Journey into Generative AI‘s Transformative Effect on Professions, starting with Medical Practitioners

This innovative research project investigates the integration of generative AI into medical practice, particularly focusing on its utility in enhancing the diagnostic capabilities of general practitioners in the Netherlands, Kenya, and Indonesia. Through meticulously designed randomized controlled trials, the study evaluates how AI can assist in achieving faster and more accurate diagnoses, potentially revolutionizing patient care by reducing healthcare costs and easing physician workloads.

Employing realistic patient vignettes to simulate clinical scenarios, the research aims to generate robust, actionable insights that could significantly influence both current and future medical practices. By exploring the impact of AI across diverse healthcare environments, this project not only addresses the scientific efficacy of AI applications in medicine but also highlights their potential to make healthcare more efficient and accessible globally. This balanced approach seeks to provide a scientifically grounded perspective on the transformative power of AI in healthcare, ensuring its findings are relevant to both policy-makers and practitioners aiming to navigate the evolving landscape of medical technology.

Funded by: Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence

Duration: Jan 2024-Jan 2025