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Losing prospective entitlement to unemployment benefits. Impact on educational attainment
Cockx, B., Declercq, K., & Dejemeppe, M. (2022). ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 003
More information about this publicationGroup identity and betrayal: decomposing trust
Polipciuc, M. (2022). ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 002
More information about this publicationThe devil is in the detail: measuring intra-EU labour migration
Fenwick, C. (2022). ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 001
More information about this publicationIdentifying literacy and numeracy skill mismatch in OECD countries using the job analysis method
Pérez Rodríguez, S., van der Velden, R., Huijts, T., & Jacobs, B. (2022). ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 011
More information about this publicationA full year COVID-19 crisis with interrupted learning and two school closures: The effects on learning growth and inequality in primary education
Haelermans, C., Jacobs, M., van Vugt, L., Aarts, B., Abbink, H., Smeets, C., van der Velden, R., & van Wetten, S. (2021). ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 009
More information about this publicationSharp increase in inequality in education in times of the COVID-19-pandemic
Haelermans, C., Korthals, R., Jacobs, M., de Leeuw, S., Vermeulen, S., van Vugt, L., Aarts, B., Breuer, T., van der Velden, R., van Wetten, S., & de Wolf, I. (2021). ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 010
More information about this publicationSchools under mandatory testing can mitigate the spread of SARS-CoV-2
Isphording, I. E., Diederichs, M., van Ewijk, R., & Pestel, N. (2021). ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 008
More information about this publicationExploring the uncharted waters of educational mobility: The role of key skills
Jacobs, B., & van der Velden, R. (2021). ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 006
More information about this publicationThe intergenerational transmission of cognitive skills: an investigation of the causal impact of families on student outcomes
Hanushek, E. A., Jacobs, B., Schwerdt, G., van der Velden, R., Vermeulen, S., & Wiederhold, S. (2021). ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 007
More information about this publicationHow effective are hiring subsidies to reduce long-term unemployment among prime-aged jobseekers? Evidence from Belgium
Desiere, S., & Cockx, B. (2021). ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 005
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