“Profielschets bijstandsontvangers Heerlen: Complexiteit van de problematiek en reïntegratiekansen”

− 1 min read

Pilot study (in Dutch): Providing neighbourhood level information concerning the complex situation welfare recipients are facing, to improve reintegration policies.


Annemarie Künn-Nelen
Davey Poulissen
Andries de Grip

About the study

This report shows the results of a pilot study to develop an index that can be used as a policy tool for neighbourhood-oriented reintegration policies. The report provides a profile of the welfare recipients in the various neighbourhoods in the municipality of Heerlen. This profile shows the extent to which welfare recipients at the neighbourhood level experience health problems, financial problems, have a non-Western migration background and are part of a single-parent family. An index to show the complexity of the situation is also developed. Subsequently, the relationship between reintegration probabilities and the complexity profile as well as its underlying dimensions is shown.

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