Van Wetten, S
Sanne van Wetten is a senior researcher at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) at Maastricht University. She obtained two bachelor degrees in Pedagogy and Psychology, and a master degree in Management of Learning at Maastricht University. At the same university, she obtained her PhD at the School of Business and Economics in 2020.
Her main research interests focus on human capital development, social-emotional learning, quality of and inequality in education, innovation in education and school to work transitions. Sanne greatly values collaboration between research and practice and currently investigates the effect of educational interventions and policies on counteracting inequalities in education. Next to this she is a team member of the Netherlands Cohort Study on Education (National Cohortonderzoek in Dutch; NCO) where she coordinates large scale data collections.
- Haelermans, C., van Wetten, S., Abbink, H., Baumann, S., Hendrickx, S., Hendrikse, A., Jacobs, M., Meijer, R., & van Vugt, L. (2022). Balans na twee en een half jaar: nog steeds grote vertraging voor spelling en rekenen-wiskunde. Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek. ROA External Reports NCO Factsheet No. 2022-5
More information about this publication - Haelermans, C., Huijgen, T., Jacobs, M., Levels, M., van der Velden, R., van Vugt, L., & van Wetten, S. (2020). Using data to advance educational research, policy and practice: Design, content and research potential of the Netherlands cohort study on education. European Sociological Review, 36(4), 643-662.
More information about this publication - Haelermans, C., Korthals, R., Jacobs, M., de Leeuw, S., Vermeulen, S., van Vugt, L., Aarts, B., Breuer, T., van der Velden, R., van Wetten, S., & de Wolf, I. (2022). Sharp increase in inequality in education in times of the COVID-19-pandemic. PLOS ONE, 17(2), [e0261114].
More information about this publication - HAELERMANS, C., JACOBS, M., VAN DER VELDEN, R., VAN VUGT, L., & VAN WETTEN, S. (2022). Inequality in the Effects of Primary School Closures due to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the Netherlands. In AEA PAPERS AND PROCEEDINGS (Vol. 112, pp. 303-307). American Economic Association.
More information about this publication - van Wetten, S. (Author). (2022). Bewezen effectief is niet altijd de oplossing. Web publication/site, ROA.
More information about this publication - Breuer, T., Van Wetten, S., Stolp, S., De Wolf, I., Naaijkens, E. & Bootsma, M. (2021). Toolkit Extra lessen. Maastricht: Education Lab Netherlands.
- Breuer, T., Van Wetten, S., Aarts, B., Jacobs, B., De Wolf, I., Naaijkens, E. & Bootsma, M. (2021). Toolkit Betrekken van ouders. Kansrijke aanpakken voor het vergroten van ouderbetrokkenheid. Maastricht: Education Lab Netherlands.
- Gerards, R., van Wetten, S., & van Sambeek, C. (2021). New ways of working and intrapreneurial behaviour: the mediating role of transformational leadership and social interaction. Review of Managerial Science, 15(7), 2075-2110.
More information about this publication - van Wetten, S., Gerards, R., & de Grip, A. (2020). Are graduates’ intrapreneurial skills optimally used for innovation? Technovation, 96-97, [102131].
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