Inzicht in skills. Een verkenning van Nederlandse initiatieven

− 1 min read

New external report

Arjan Heyma (SEO), Tyas Prevoo (SEO), Rogier Goedhart (ROA), Annemarie Künn-Nelen (ROA), Raymond Montizaan (ROA), Sanne Steens (ROA)

Commissioned by
Ministry of SZW, OCW and EZK

The degree to which someone is productive depends on skills, knowledge and competencies. Despite the many initiatives to strengthen lifelong learning as well as the widely shared sense of urgency, there is still underutilization of the opportunities that a skills market can offer in matching supply and demand on the labour market. Consequently, there is utilization of skills as well. This study makes an inventory of all the Dutch skills initiatives and the lessons we can learn in optimizing the use of skills in careers and development. Moreover, this reports shows how to stimulate a skills driven labour market and what roles and tasks stakeholders could have.

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