Updated Dutch labour market forecasts
− 1 min readNew ROA Factsheet
Higher forecasted economic growth is expected to lead to an increase in job creation on the Dutch labour market until 2028. ROA’s forecasting model predicts more employment growth for the vocational education level, compared to previous forecasts. Bachelor’s and Master’s level graduates are expected to face lower job growth. We also show that several existing frictions in the Dutch labour market are expected to become even larger in the coming years.
The factsheet, published by ROA (@maastrichtuniversity school of business and economics) elaborates on the labour market prospects for future graduates, the bottlenecks in personnel recruitment for employers, and the role of skills in job creation.
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Bakens, J., Cobben, L., Abbink, H., Meijer, R., Dijksman, S., Fouarge, D., & Pestel, N. Update arbeidsmarktprognoses (2024). ROA Fact Sheets No. 008
This publication is part of the Project Onderwijs-Arbeidsmarkt (POA) of the Research Centre for Education and the Labor Market (ROA). Henry Abbink, Jessie Bakens, Sander Dijksman, Didier Fouarge, Roy Meijer, Nico Pestel and Luc Cobben contributed to this update. The research is funded by Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek (NRO), UWV, Samenwerking Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven SBB, and Randstad.