When you learn, you grow: Concretizing person-centricity in workplace learning
Journal publication by Joanna Kuczynska (ROA), Annemarie Künn-Nelen (ROA) & Bram Fleuren (FPN) in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
read moreMarie-Christine Fregin, research leader at ROA, recognized as one of Germany’s most important women in AI
Informal employment as a social determinant of health: A conceptual framework and research agenda accounting for context
A-journal publication by Amanda Aronsson (NTNU) and Tim Huijts (ROA) in Social Science & Medicine
Learning and Work Hybrid Seminars, Maastricht University, SBE, Spring 2025
Our regular Tuesday hybrid seminar series (from 12:00 to 13:00, onsite and also via zoom) features researchers from different disciplines, with focuses on both academic and policy issues.
PhD Defence Luisa Minssen
Luisa Minssen will defend her PhD thesis on Monday, 7 April 2025, at 10:00 hours at the Auditorium of the Maastricht University (Minderbroedersberg 4-6, Maastricht).
ROA mission
The Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) is a research institute of the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics, established in 1986. The overarching research theme of ROA is the acquisition and depreciation of human capital over the life course in relation to the dynamics of the labor market. ROA aims to do high level scientific research with a substantial policy impact. This dual mission is pursued in all research project, regardless of the type of funding (fundamental or commissioned research). ROA receives funding from scientific funds (e.g. NRO, NWO, NETSPAR, ORA, H2020), as well as from national and international authorities (Ministries, European Commission, OECD) and various other organizations such as training funds, educational institutes and regional governments. For more information, please click here