Learning and Work Hybrid Seminars, Maastricht University, SBE, Spring 2025
Our regular Tuesday hybrid seminar series (from 12:00 to 13:00, onsite and also via zoom) features researchers from different disciplines, with focuses on both academic and policy issues.
L&W hybrid seminar organizers
Raymond Montizaan: r.montizaan@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Katarina Wessling: k.wessling@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Steffen Künn: s.kuenn@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Upcoming seminars 2025
When: January 14
Time: 12h00 – 13h00
Where: TS53 - A1.22Presenter: Lorenzo Navarini (University of Vienna)
Title: “Changes in Returns to Multidimensional Skills across Cohorts”
Abstract: “While social skills seem to gain importance in the workplace, other skills may become less relevant. The evolution in skill demand and supply directly affects wage returns to skills over time. However, estimating returns to skills is challenging: a potential bias comes from unmeasured ability differences, and there is an indirect return through college. This paper estimates direct and indirect returns to skills, controlling for unmeasured ability differences, using a novel dynamic model with endogenous cognitive, social, and diligence skills. In Germany, across recent cohorts, returns to social skills grew by 6 percentage points across cohorts. Due to routine task displacement and sorting into routine-intensive occupations, returns to diligence skills for low-cognitive individuals dropped by 10 percentage points.”Previous seminars