ROA-CBS collaboration

ROA has a long-term structural collaboration with Statistics Netherlands. To shape this Prof. dr. Wendy Smits, research leader at Statistics Netherlands, has been appointed as extraordinary professor at ROA. Together with researchers from Statistics Netherlands, our researchers have been engaging in innovative research on a variety of themes, including:

  • Occupational disability
  • Development opportunities at work and careers
  • Platform work
  • Globalization, automation and flexible work
  • NEETs.

We also collaborate structurally to share methodological and technical knowledge and produce unique data resources on Dutch education and the labor market, including:

  • an annual School Leaver Survey, including the BVEMonitor, the VSV-Monitor and the VO-Monitor
  • the National Cohort Study on Education (NCO).

Past successful collaborations include (selection of projects):

The cooperation has also resulted in various publications, in reports, books, scientific journals and professional publications such as articles in Economisch Statistische Berichten and in the CBS/TNO publication Dynamiek op de Nederlandse Arbeidsmarkt.