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Research projects

  • ai:conomics project


    The implementation of intelligent technologies in companies is changing our working world. Artificial intelligence (AI) changes our tasks, work outcomes, and our collaboration, among other things. These changes are already happening. The multidisc...

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    AlteR project

    Alternatives for Retention (AlteR)

    Within any given class in primary and secondary education, there is typically considerable variation among students (e.g., academic skills, psychosocial skills, learning tempo, interests, motivation, intellectual ability, values, SES). This hetero...

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    Early Predictors of School Success (EPoSS)

    Early Predictors of School Success (EPoSS)

    In this project, we investigate (early) predictors of and mechanisms behind educational success. More specifically, we study how lifestyle, different aspects of health and (un)healthy behaviour of primary and secondary school pupils affect their e...

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    Experienced equipment in language, social and civic competences

    Experienced equipment in language, social and civic competences

    The Dutch education system aims to provide pupils and students with the knowledge, insights and skills they need now and in the future to function well in society on a personal, social and professional level. To this end, basic competences such as...

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    Flexibility of Educational Systems and Social Inequality in Educational Outcomes

    Several aspects of the flexibility of educational systems such as external (end-of-phase adjustment: stacking degrees) or internal (within-phase adjustment: dealing with misallocation by track mobility, retaining grades, acceleration or individual...

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    The HBO-Monitor is an annual survey study among recent graduates of Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences (in Dutch: hogescholen/hbo’s), conducted by ROA since the early nineties. It provides a detailed overview of the situation encountered by ...

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    Intergenerational Transmission of Skills (ITS) research project

    The Intergenerational Transmission of Skills (ITS) project has developed a unique and unparalleled database, linking skills of parents to skills of children. This database database (internally also referred to as the ‘Goldmine project’) curren...

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    jedi project

    Juveniles, Equality and Digitalization (JEDi)

    This research project studies the impact of digital media use on development and equality of opportunities in a longitudinal perspective, at cognitive, social and identity level. 

    Today’s children and youth (C&Y) are immersed in digital media...

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    Provincie Gelderland

    Labour market forecasts province of Gelderland

    As part of the Educational Labour Market (POA) project, ROA produces regional labour market forecasts every two years, meeting the growing interest in regional labour market information. For the province of Gelderland, ROA has a long-term cooperat...

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    life long learning

    Lifelong Learning and Development

    The ROA Lifelong Learning Survey monitors since 2004 post-initial learning, informal learning and knowledge development in the Netherlands. The survey is fielded once every three years among working and non-working individuals aged 16 and older. T...

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