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  • Group identity and betrayal: decomposing trust

    Research Memorandum by Maria Polipciuc

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    Studium Generale Debate

    Studium Generale - Maastricht University live Debate: “Over kansenongelijkheid in het onderwijs”

    ROA researcher, Mélanie Monfrance, one of the speakers at the Debate

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    nco lvs factsheets mei 2022

    Status after two years of COVID-19 pandemic: still learning delays, but disadvantage of vulnerable students reduced

    4th series of factsheets NCO learning growth

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    “Leven lang ontwikkelen in Nederland”

    New ROA report by Annemarie Künn-Nelen, Henry Abbink, Sabine Baumann, Silke van Elferen & Didier Fouarge

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    ROA staff awarded NWA grant project: PlatWork-R

    NWA grant project: PlatWork-R read more