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    Flexible contracts and human capital investments

    Fouarge, D., de Grip, A., Smits, W., & de Vries, M. R. (2011). METEOR, Maastricht University School of Business and Economics. METEOR Research Memorandum No. 051

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    Flexible contracts and human capital investments

    Fouarge, D., de Grip, A., Smits, W., & de Vries, M. R. (2011). Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen. ROA Research Memoranda No. 13

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    Flexible work among graduates entering the labour market

    Bertrand-Cloodt, D. A. M., Cörvers, F., Kriechel, B., & van Thor, J. A. F. (2011). Flexible work among graduates entering the labour market. In A. C. Ruiz (Ed.), (pp. 625-648).

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    Generiek of specifiek opleiden?

    van der Velden, R. K. W. (2011). Generiek of specifiek opleiden? , (3), 382-397.

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    Groei van kennis en stagnatie in de Sociologie, Een onkiese beschouwing

    Levels, M., & Niewenhuis, R. (2011). Groei van kennis en stagnatie in de Sociologie, Een onkiese beschouwing. In G. Kraaykamp, M. Levels, & A. Need (Eds.), (pp. 15-32). Van Gorcum.

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    Het effect van werkervaring op productiviteit

    Sauermann, J., & de Grip, A. (2011). Het effect van werkervaring op productiviteit. , (4621), 645-645.

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    High and steady or low and rising? : life cycle earnings patterns in vocational and general education

    Cörvers, F., Heijke, J. A. M., Kriechel, B., & Pfeifer, H. (2011). METEOR, Maastricht University School of Business and Economics. METEOR Research Memorandum No. 042

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    High and steady or low and rising? : life-cycle earnings patterns in vocational and general education

    Cörvers, F., Heijke, J. A. M., Kriechel, B., & Pfeifer, H. (2011). Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen. ROA Research Memoranda No. 7

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    Higher education experiences

    Allen, J. P., Coenen, J. B., & Humburg, M. (2011). Higher education experiences. In J. Allen, S. Pavlin, & R. K. W. V. D. Velden (Eds.), (pp. 11-26). University of Ljubljana.

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    Implications of labor market dynamics for lifelong learning

    de Grip, A. (2011). Implications of labor market dynamics for lifelong learning. In (pp. 161-183). The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research.

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