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All our publications from 2012 onwards can be downloaded on this page. It is possible to browse through our archive by using search terms like titles or authors, by selecting a type of publication or publication year or by a combining these options. All our publications from before 2012 are accessible via this page.

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    Hiring propensity: Gender, migrant status and the role of skills

    Aarts, B., Künn, A., Levels, M., & Montizaan, R. (2019). Poster session presented at Workshop on Older Workers’ Skills and Labour Market Behaviour, Maastricht, Netherlands.

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    Impact of employer characteristics and beliefs on propensity to hire older job applicants: evidence from a stated preferences experiment

    Montizaan, R. (2019). Paper presented at Workshop on Older Workers’ Skills and Labour Market Behaviour, Maastricht, Netherlands.

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    Steeds meer hbo’ers werkzaam als zelfstandige

    Aarts, B., Allen, J., & Belfi, B. (2019). Steeds meer hbo’ers werkzaam als zelfstandige. Web publication/site, ROA.

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    Correcting erronous beliefs about job opportunities and wages: A field experiment on education choices

    Fouarge, D. (2019). Paper presented at Workshop 'Improving quality and returns to education', Leuven, Belgium.

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    Do new ways of working increase informal learning?

    Gerards, R. (2019). Paper presented at 11th International conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Tilburg, Netherlands.

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    New ways of working and intrapreneurship: the mediating role of transformational leadership and social interaction.

    Gerards, R. (2019). Paper presented at 11th International conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Tilburg, Netherlands.

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    De toekomst van vakmanschap

    van der Velden, R. (2019). Paper presented at Jubileumconferentie van VBO/NSV: 25 jaar VBO: Beleidsonderzoek met impact!, Utrecht, Netherlands.

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    The role of unanticipated labour market conditions in graduates' regret of study choice

    Fouarge, D. (2019). Paper presented at 2nd BIBB Conference on the Economics of Vocational Education and Training, Siegberg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

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    Validation of the Dutch version of the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire

    De Kleermaeker, F. G. C. M., Levels, M., Verhagen, W., & Meulstee, J. (2019). Validation of the Dutch version of the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire. , , Article 1154.

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    Recruitment and selection of intrapreneurial talent

    van Wetten, S. (2019). Paper presented at Final Conference NWO consortium Intrapreneurship, Utrecht, Netherlands.

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