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    "High" achievers? Cannabis access and academic performance

    Marie, O., & Zölitz, U. (2017). "High" achievers? Cannabis access and academic performance. , (3), 1210-1237.

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    Stand van zaken/eerste resultaten HoRES

    van Broekhoven, K., Meng, C., Leest, B., Wolbers, M., Kolster, R., & Westerheijden, D. (2017). Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen, Antwerpen, Belgium.

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    Veranderingen in werk en vaardigheden

    Fouarge, D. J. A. G. (2017). Maastricht University.

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    Intrapreneurial skills, job requirements and innovation in engineering and management jobs.

    van Wetten, S., Gerards, R., & de Grip, A. (2017). Paper presented at EURAM conference 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom.

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    Estimating literacy levels at a detailed regional level: an application using Dutch data

    Bijlsma, I., van den Brakel, J., van der Velden, R., & Allen, J. (2017). Paper presented at Workshop Human Capital and Regional Development, Maastricht, Netherlands.

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    Geographical psychology and regional characteristics

    Poulissen, D., Hooijen, I., & Bijlsma, I. (2017). Poster session presented at Workshop Human Capital and Regional Development, Maastricht, Netherlands.

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    High teacher turnover in the Caribbean Netherlands: pull- and push factors

    Mommers, A. (2017). Poster session presented at Workshop Human Capital and Regional Development, Maastricht, Netherlands.

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    How to attract STEM workers to a high-tech business park in a shrinking region? Place and life satisfaction

    Hooijen, I., & Cörvers, F. (2017). Paper presented at Workshop Human Capital and Regional Development, Maastricht, Netherlands.

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    Valuation of ethnic diversity: heterogeneous effects in an integrated labor and housing market

    Bakens, J., & de Graaff, T. (2017). Paper presented at Workshop Human Capital and Regional Development, Maastricht, Netherlands.

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    Dynamiek op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt

    Smits, W. (2017). Paper presented at CBS/TNO symposium 'Dynamiek op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt', Den Haag, Netherlands.

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