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    Waarom autochtone leerlingen het beter doen in bepaalde onderwijssystemen of in bepaalde scholen

    Dronkers, J., van der Velden, R. K. W., & Dunne, A. (2012). Waarom autochtone leerlingen het beter doen in bepaalde onderwijssystemen of in bepaalde scholen. In I. Glorieux, J. Siongers, & W. Smits (Eds.), (pp. 284-310). Lannoo Campus.

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    Wat te doen met het vakantiegeld?

    Dohmen, T. J. (2012). Wat te doen met het vakantiegeld? , (4634), 271-271.

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    Werkgelegenheidsgroei concentreert zich in zorgberoepen

    van Thor, J. A. F. (2012). Werkgelegenheidsgroei concentreert zich in zorgberoepen. , (4628), 81-81.

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    What affects lifelong learning of scientists and engineers?

    de Grip, A., & Smits, W. (2012). What affects lifelong learning of scientists and engineers? , (5), 583-597.

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    What makes you more central? Antecedents of changes in centrality in technology-based alliance networks

    Bertrand-Cloodt, D. A. M., Cloodt, M. M. A. H., & Gilsing, V. (2012). What makes you more central? Antecedents of changes in centrality in technology-based alliance networks. In

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    What makes you more central? Antecedents of changes in centrality in technology-based alliance networks

    Bertrand-Cloodt, D. A. M., Cloodt, M. M. A. H., & Gilsing, V. (2012). What makes you more central? Antecedents of changes in centrality in technology-based alliance networks. In

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    Which skills protect graduates against a alack labour market?

    Humburg, M., de Grip, A., & van der Velden, R. K. W. (2012). Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen. ROA Research Memoranda No. 1

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    Which skills protect graduates against a alack labour market?

    Humburg, M., de Grip, A., & van der Velden, R. K. W. (2012). METEOR, Maastricht University School of Business and Economics. METEOR Research Memorandum No. 002

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    Why are migrants students better off in certain types of educational systems or schools than in others?

    Dronkers, J., van der Velden, R. K. W., & Dunne, A. (2012). Why are migrants students better off in certain types of educational systems or schools than in others? , (1), 11-44.

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    Why are migrant students better off in certain types of educational systems or schools than in others? On the effects of educational systems, school composition, track level, parental background, and country of origin on the achievement of 15-year-ols migrant students

    Dronkers, J., van der Velden, R. K. W., & Dunne, A. (2012). University College London. CReAM Discussion Paper Series No. 1512

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