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All our publications from 2012 onwards can be downloaded on this page. It is possible to browse through our archive by using search terms like titles or authors, by selecting a type of publication or publication year or by a combining these options. All our publications from before 2012 are accessible via this page.

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  • Type of publication

    Understanding differences between mobility intentions and actual behavior

    Hooijen, I., Reinold, J., & Meng, C. (2018). Paper presented at Annual MACIMIDE Conference 2018, Maastricht, Netherlands.

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    De toekomst van vakmanschap

    van der Velden, R. (2018). Paper presented at Duaal leren in de toekomst, Leuven, Belgium.

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    Employers' willingness to invest in the training of temporary workers: a stated preference

    Poulissen, D., Künn, A., Fouarge, D., & de Grip, A. (2018). Paper presented at EALE 2018, Lyon, France.

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    Job destruction and crime

    Marie, O., & Van de Werve, I. (2018). Poster session presented at EALE 2018, Lyon, France.

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    The role of unanticipated labour market conditions in graduates' regret of study choice

    Fouarge, D., & Somers, M. (2018). Paper presented at EALE 2018, Lyon, France.

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    Mission of the company, prosocial attitudes and job preferences: a stated-preference experiment

    de Grip, A., Non, A., Rohde, I., & Dohmen, T. (2018). Poster session presented at EALE 2018, Lyon, France.

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    Demographic composition in the EMR

    Hooijen, I., & Rocak, M. (2018). Paper presented at Summer School for higher educated students in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, Maastricht, Netherlands.

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    De werknemer van de toekomst: vaardigheden waar vraag je naar

    Fouarge, D. (2018). Paper presented at Pleasure, Art & Science Festival (PAS), Maastricht, Netherlands.

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    Social policy and the challenge of allocating the right people to the right jobs

    Fregin, M.-C., Levels, M., & van der Velden, R. (2018). Paper presented at Annual workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TIY), Mannheim, Germany.

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    The employee of the future: skills in demand

    Fouarge, D. (2018). Paper presented at Pleasure, Art & Science Festival (PAS), Maastricht, Netherlands.

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