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    De Limburgse taal als vestigingsfactor

    Cörvers, F. (2018). De Limburgse taal als vestigingsfactor. Web publication/site, Neimed.

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    Time takes us all?

    Fleuren, B. P. I., van Amelsvoort, L. G. P. M., de Grip, A., Zijlstra, F. R. H., & Kant, IJ. (2018). Time takes us all? A two-wave observational study of age and time effects on sustainable employability. , (5), 475-484.

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    Relevance of geographical psychology in location choice of recent graduates in the Netherlands

    Hooijen, I., Bijlsma, I., Cörvers, F., & Poulissen, D. (2018). Paper presented at ERSA Congress, Cork, Ireland.

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    Relevance of geographical psychology in location choice of recent graduates in the Netherlands

    Hooijen, I., Bijlsma, I., Cörvers, F., & Poulissen, D. (2018). Paper presented at Global conference on economic geography, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

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    Same context - different chances? The impact of spatial contexts on transitions from school to university

    Wessling, K. (2018). Paper presented at ISA World Congess of Sociology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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    The teacher and the ghetto - Socio-spatial context effects on teachers' expectations of primary school students

    Becker, D., & Wessling, K. (2018). Poster session presented at AMCIS Educational Inequality Conference - Mechanisms and Institutions, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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    The effects of public health policies on health inequalities in high-income countries

    Thomson, K., Hillier-Brown, F., Todd, A., McNamara, C., Huijts, T., & Bambra, C. (2018). The effects of public health policies on health inequalities in high-income countries: an umbrella review. , , 869-890.

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    Betrayal aversion and identity in the longer run

    Polipciuc, M. (2018). Paper presented at Economic Science Association World Meeting, Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

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    Social policy and the challenge of allocating the right people to the right jobs

    Fregin, M.-C., Levels, M., & van der Velden, R. (2018). Paper presented at Research colloquium of Prof.Dr. Martin Gross, Tübingen, Germany.

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    The determinants of education advice

    de Koning, B. (2018). Paper presented at IZA World of Labor Conference 2018, Berlin, Germany.

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