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  • Long-Term Effects of Hiring Subsidies for Low-Educated Unemployed Youths

    New ROA Research Memorandum

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    Labour Costs and the Decision to Hire the First Employee

    New ROA Research Memorandum

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    ROA factsheet: “Hoe de energietransitie de vraag naar beroepen in Zuidoost Nederland verandert”

    In this factsheet we bring together available information on the future demand for labour in the Southeast Netherlands region in the field of energy

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    HBO-Monitor 2022

    Interested in the latest HBO-Monitor 2022 results?

    The labour market position of recent graduates of Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences

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    research memorandum

    Third edition of the AOW Monitor: “Effect van verhoging van de AOW-leeftijd op werk, inkomen en gezondheid”

    Report by Raymond Montizaan, Jaime Li Wu and Luc Cobben

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