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  • How new ways if working during COVID-19 affect employee well-being via technostress, need for recovery, and work engagement

    A-journal publication by Ruud Gerards (ROA) and Rémi Andrulli (SBE) in Computers in Human Behavior

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    Broad international classroom offers added value

    Broad international classroom offers added value

    Interview with Carla Haelermans (ROA) and Patrick Bijsmans (FASoS) in UMagazine

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    Labour Shortages and Skill Mismatches

    Labour Shortages and Skill Mismatches – What can be done?

    Kick-off event organised as part of the Horizon Europe project Skills2Capabilities

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    Uber app users, trips made, earnings and satisfaction

    New ROA publication in Dutch about Uber app users, trips made, earnings and satisfaction

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    management science cover

    Indoor Air Quality and Strategic Decision Making

    Paper by Steffen Künn (SBE), Juan Palacios (MIT) and Nico Pestel (ROA) accepted for publishing in the A+ journal Management Science

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