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    Wie A zegt, zegt ook B?

    Allen, J., & Belfi, B. (2018). ROA. ROA Reports No. 002

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    ZZP: Kans of bedreiging?

    Smits, W. (2018). Paper presented at Lunch seminar "ZZP - Kans of bedreiging?, Den Haag, Netherlands.

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    The role of labour market information in the education choice

    de Koning, B. (2017). Paper presented at TIER Workshop on Education Economics, Maastricht, Netherlands.

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    Effets de la sous-qualification sur les besoins de récupération, la perte d'emploi et les désirs de préretraite

    Gommans, F. G., Jansen, N. W. H., Stynen, D., Kant, I., & De Grip, A. (2017). Effets de la sous-qualification sur les besoins de récupération, la perte d'emploi et les désirs de préretraite: étude prospective sur une population d'employés de bureau en fin de carrière. , (3-4), 583-608.

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    Infracapacitación, recuperación, pérdida del empleo y jubilación de trabajadores de edad en entornos de oficina. Estudio de cohorte prospectivo

    Gommans, F. G., Jansen, N. W. H., Stynen, D., Kant, I., & De Grip, A. (2017). Infracapacitación, recuperación, pérdida del empleo y jubilación de trabajadores de edad en entornos de oficina. Estudio de cohorte prospectivo. , (3-4), 543-566.

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    The effects of under-skilling on need for recovery, losing employment and retirement intentions among older office workers: A prospective cohort study

    Gommans, F., Jansen, N., Stynen, D., Kant, I., & de Grip, A. (2017). The effects of under-skilling on need for recovery, losing employment and retirement intentions among older office workers: A prospective cohort study. , (3-4), 525-548.

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    De opmars van flexibele arbeid

    Smits, W. (2017). Maastricht University.

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    Much ado about social outcomes? Skill effort, skill mismatch, and their relation with social outcomes and job satisfaction

    Fregin, M.-C., Bijlsma, I., & van der Velden, R. (2017). Paper presented at 4th PIAAC International Conference, Singapore, Singapore.

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    How to generate and recognize creative ideas? The short- and long-term impact of training in creative problem-solving on student's skill in idea generation and idea evaluation.

    van Broekhoven, K., van der Velden, R., & Belfi, B. (2017). Poster session presented at Creativity Conference, Nijmegen, Netherlands.

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    Welke rol speelt arbeidsmarktinformatie in de opleidingskeuze van mbo'ers?

    Fouarge, D. (2017). Paper presented at Nederlandse ArbeidsmarktDag, Utrecht, Netherlands.

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