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    Arbeidsmarktperspectieven voor arbeidsongeschikten: Het belang van opleiding

    Cörvers, F. (2009). Arbeidsmarktperspectieven voor arbeidsongeschikten: Het belang van opleiding. , (3), 9-11.

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    Cörvers, F., Muysken, J., de Neubourg, C. R. J., & Schliwen, A. (2009). Arbeidsmigratie. In M. Kromhout, R. Jennissen, & H. Wubs (Eds.), (2009-003 ed., pp. 43-92). Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum, Ministerie van Justitie.

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    Are more competent workers more satisfied?

    de Grip, A., Sieben, I. J. P., & Stevens, F. C. (2009). Are more competent workers more satisfied? , (4), 589-607.

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    Are risk aversion and impatience related to cognitive ability?

    Dohmen, T. J., Falk, A., Huffman, D., & Sunde, U. (2009). METEOR, Maastricht University School of Business and Economics. METEOR Research Memorandum No. 040

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    Are risk aversion and impatience related to cognitive ability?

    Dohmen, T. J., Falk, A., Huffman, D., & Sunde, U. (2009). Researchcentrum voor Onderwijs en Arbeidsmarkt, Faculteit der Economische Wetenschappen. ROA Research Memoranda No. 7

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    Beroepenmobiliteit: bruikbaarheid longitudinale gegevens enquête beroepsbevolking

    Bierings, H., Cörvers, F., Montizaan, R. M., & de Vries, M. R. (2009). ROA. ROA Technical Reports No. 2

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    Biased probability judgement: Evidence of incidence and relationship to economic outcomes from a representative sample

    Dohmen, T. J., Falk, A., Huffman, D., Marklein, F., & Sunde, U. (2009). Biased probability judgement: Evidence of incidence and relationship to economic outcomes from a representative sample. , (2), 34-52.

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    Biased probability judgment: Evidence of incidence and relationship to economic outcomes from a representative sample

    Dohmen, T. J., Falk, A., Huffman, D., Marklein, F., & Sunde, U. (2009). Biased probability judgment: Evidence of incidence and relationship to economic outcomes from a representative sample. , , 903-915.

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    Competencies and early labour Market careers of Higher Education graduates

    Allen, J. P., & van der Velden, R. K. W. (2009). European Union. ROA External Reports

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    Concentratie van technieklocaties in the MBO. De invloed op de studiekeuze van leerlingen in Zuidoost-Nederland

    Cörvers, F. (2009). Concentratie van technieklocaties in the MBO. De invloed op de studiekeuze van leerlingen in Zuidoost-Nederland. In M. Boekenoogen, P. V. Hoesel, Y. Prince, & C. Verheijen (Eds.), (pp. 69-78). Lemma.

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