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    Homophily horizons and ethnic mover flows among homeowners in Scotland

    Bakens, J., & Pryce, G. (2019). Homophily horizons and ethnic mover flows among homeowners in Scotland. , (6), 925-945.

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    Educational and occupational aspirations at the end of secondary school: The importance of regional labour-market conditions

    Hartung, A., Wessling, K., & Hillmert, S. (2019). ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 004

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    Educational and occupational aspirations at the end of secondary school: The importance of regional labour-market conditions

    Hartung, A., Wessling, K., & Hillmert, S. (2019). Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics. GSBE Research Memoranda No. 019

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    Hoe tevreden zijn zij-instromers in het onderwijs over hun verkorte studietraject en eerste jaar in het onderwijs? Verschillen tussen zij-instromers in het po en vo.

    Aarts, B., Allen, J., & Belfi, B. (2019). Hoe tevreden zijn zij-instromers in het onderwijs over hun verkorte studietraject en eerste jaar in het onderwijs? Verschillen tussen zij-instromers in het po en vo.. Web publication/site, ROA.

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    Need for recovery and different types of early labour force exit

    Stynen, D., Jansen, N. W. H., Slangen, J. J. M., de Grip, A., & Kant, I. J. (2019). Need for recovery and different types of early labour force exit: a prospective cohort study among older workers. , (5), 683-697.

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    Het één of het ander? Gaan kansen geven én efficiëntie samen?

    Bles, P., van der Velden, R., & Ariës, R. (2019). Paper presented at Onderwijs Research Dagen (ORD) 2019, Heerlen, Netherlands.

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    Sortering van leraren en prestaties van leerlingen

    Vermeulen, S. (2019). Paper presented at ORD 2019, Heerlen, Netherlands.

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    Werkplaats onderwijskwaliteit: pak een hamer en doe mee!

    de Wolf, I. (2019). Paper presented at ORD 2019, Heerlen, Netherlands.

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    Who is to blame and what to do? Using stated preferences experiments to analyze the cause of low training participation among low-educated workers

    Künn, A. (2019). Paper presented at ESPE 2019, Vienna, Austria.

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    Fostering university students' idea generation and idea evaluation skills with a creative problem-solving training intervention

    van Broekhoven, K. (2019). Paper presented at 3rd UK Creativity Researchers Conference, Preston, United Kingdom.

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