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Where do STEM graduates stem from? The intergenerational transmission of comparative skill advantages
Hanushek, E. A., Jacobs, B., Schwerdt, G., van der Velden, R., Vermeulen, S., & Wiederhold, S. (2023). IZA. IZA Discussion Paper Series No. 16117
More information about this publicationSociale relaties op school
Ronda, V., van Vugt, L., Charpentier, J., & Schils, T. (2023). Maastricht University. OML factsheets No. OML2023-002
More information about this publicationSociale relaties op school
Ronda, V., van Vugt, L., Charpentier, J., & Schils, T. (2023). Maastricht University. OML factsheets No. OML2023-001
More information about this publicationHeterogeneous effects of comprehensive vs. single-track academic schools: Evidence from admission lotteries
Oosterbeek, H., Ruijs, N., & de Wolf, I. (2023). Heterogeneous effects of comprehensive vs. single-track academic schools: Evidence from admission lotteries. , , Article 102363.
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Levels, M., & Velden, R. V. D. (2023). Can work protect against age-related decline of cognitive skills? An empirical test of the use-it-or-lose-it hypothesis. In M. Tahlin (Ed.), (pp. 161-176). Edward Elgar Publishing.
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Casey, B. H., & Mayhew, K. (2023). Kurzarbeit/Short Time Working: Experiences And Lessons From The Covid-Induced Downturn. , , 47-60.
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Fouarge, D., Dijksman, S., Steens, S., Hendrickx, S., & Hendrikse, A. (2023). ROA Reports No. 001
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Wessling, K., & van der Velden, R. (2023). Introduction to the special issue on 'European higher education graduates - acquisition, formation, and suitability of skills'. , (1), 3-7.
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Haelermans, C. (2023). Corona heeft nog altijd effect op het onderwijs. , (4819), 103.
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van Vugt, L., & van Wetten, S. (2023). De gevolgen van de coronapandemie op de leergroei van leerlingen in het basisonderwijs: Basisvaardigheden na 2,5 jaar coronapandemie. , (1), 45-49.
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