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Sharp increase in inequality in education in times of the COVID-19-pandemic
Haelermans, C., Korthals, R., Jacobs, M., de Leeuw, S., Vermeulen, S., van Vugt, L., Aarts, B., Breuer, T., van der Velden, R., van Wetten, S., & de Wolf, I. (2021). Maastricht University, Graduate School of Business and Economics. GSBE Research Memoranda No. 022
More information about this publicationAfbakening arbeidsmarktgerichtheid niet-OCW erkende scholing voor STAP regeling
Künn, A., & Montizaan, R. (2021). ROA. ROA Reports No. 007
More information about this publicationA full year COVID-19 crisis with interrupted learning and two school closures: The effects on learning growth and inequality in primary education
Haelermans, C., Jacobs, M., van Vugt, L., Aarts, B., Abbink, H., Smeets, C., van der Velden, R., & van Wetten, S. (2021). ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 009
More information about this publicationSharp increase in inequality in education in times of the COVID-19-pandemic
Haelermans, C., Korthals, R., Jacobs, M., de Leeuw, S., Vermeulen, S., van Vugt, L., Aarts, B., Breuer, T., van der Velden, R., van Wetten, S., & de Wolf, I. (2021). ROA. ROA Research Memoranda No. 010
More information about this publicationEffecten van IOP op leergroei in het PO
Haelermans, C., Jacobs, M., & Meeter, M. (2021). Effecten van IOP op leergroei in het PO. Web publication/site, Learn! VU.
More information about this publicationTechnische toelichting bij Factsheet effecten van inhaal- en ondersteuningsprogramma’s op leergroei in het PO
Haelermans, C., Jacobs, M., & Meeter, M. (2021). Technische toelichting bij Factsheet effecten van inhaal- en ondersteuningsprogramma’s op leergroei in het PO. Web publication/site, Learn! VU.
More information about this publicationReference points and the tradeoff between risk and incentives
Dohmen, T., Non, A., & Stolp, T. (2021). Reference points and the tradeoff between risk and incentives. , , 813-831.
More information about this publicationCitizenship and education trajectories among children of immigrants
Labussière, M., Levels, M., & Vink, M. (2021). Citizenship and education trajectories among children of immigrants: A transition-oriented sequence analysis. , , Article 100433.
More information about this publicationDo feedback strategies improve students' learning gain?
Molin, F., Haelermans, C., Cabus, S., & Groot, W. (2021). Do feedback strategies improve students' learning gain? Results of a randomized experiment using polling technology in physics classrooms. , , Article 104339.
More information about this publicationManager risk preferences and firm training investments
Pfeifer, H., Caliendo, M., Cobb-Clark, D., A., U., & Wehner, C. (2021). Paper presented at 33rd Annual SASE Conference 2021, Köln, Germany.
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