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Unravelling the skills of data scientists

A-journal publication by Barbara Belfi in PLoS ONE


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PhD Defence Pascal Heß

Pascal Heß will defend his PhD thesis on Monday, 22 April at 10:00 hours at the Auditorium of the Maastricht University (Minderbroedersberg 4-6, Maastricht).


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Tallawi, S

Sally Aboubakr Tallawi is an affiliated PhD candidate at Maastricht University’s Research Center of Education and the Labour Market (ROA). Under the supervision of Prof. dr. Mark Levels and Dr. Caren Crowley, her research focuses on artificial intelligence and its implications at the micro-level. 

Sally obtained her bachelor’s degree in Economics from Cairo University in Egypt and her MBA degree from Maastricht School of Management.

Besides her PhD research, currently, she is the managing director of Delta Electronic Group, an Egyptian company specializing in the retail of consumer electronics.

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Figure The importance of informal learning

The importance of informal learning at work

IZA World of Labor article by Andries de Grip


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Het MBO in de onderwijswedloop: Kan de ladder ooit een waaier worden?

New research memorandum

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cover thesis Lies van de Kuilen

PhD Defence Lies van de Kuilen

Lies van de Kuilen will defend her PhD thesis on Wednesday, 27 March at 13:00 hours at the Auditorium of the Maastricht University (Minderbroedersberg 4-6, Maastricht).


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Can student aid policy alter spatial inequality in university enrolment? Evidence from a policy reform in the Netherlands

 New research memorandum


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research memorandum

Alumni survey Dutch University Colleges

New ROA factsheets


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